
Sleep Awareness Week: Sleep Myths and Your Health

Think back through the past week. Did you get an adequate amount of sleep each night?

March 11-17 is Sleep Awareness Week powered by the National Sleep Foundation, and we want to focus on three sleep myths that might be holding you back from getting the proper amount of sleep, along with what you can do to increase your sleep health. After all, if you have a mattress with sleep innovation technology, you definitely want to sleep the right amount to help your body rejuvenate and rest with the most comfort.

Myth 1: You Can Function Effectively on Only a Few Hours of Sleep

The recommended amount of sleep for an adult is 7-9 hours per night. Yet for many adults, life gets in the way sometimes. Lack of sleep could be due to atypical work schedules, stress, caring for young kids, health issues, or a variety of other reasons.

When you do not get enough sleep, your body cannot properly restore itself, so you will experience lack in physical performance and poor mental clarity.

Myth 2: It's possible to "Catch Up" on Sleep 

When you get less sleep for multiple days and then experience one extra-long night of rest, you may feel like you’re refreshed. However, studies show that losing sleep is not just a debt that you accumulate and then pay back. “Catching up” on sleep can be helpful in the short term, yet it will have long-term negative effects if it becomes a habit.

A 2018 podcast from Hidden Brain relayed stories about people who evaded sleep for days, thinking that they could prove superhuman capabilities and catch up later, but they experienced lifelong insomnia and other sleep-related health issues.

Myth 3: Health Problems are Completely Unrelated to the Amount of Sleep You Get

The study of sleep is an interesting yet elusive topic for scientists and researchers. Although it’s a human necessity for proper mind and bodily functions, the reason why we sleep is often a conundrum, according to Live Science. 

While you sleep, your brain doesn’t go into complete rest mode; it actually works in a different way to repair itself. When you enter different cycles of sleep, theorists believe that your brain restores energy, strengthens working memory, and clears out toxic products. If you lose sleep, your body’s immunity lowers, and you are more susceptible to sickness and disease. Of course, not all health problems are caused by lack of sleep, but getting the proper amount improves immunity and the body’s ability to fight sickness when paired with other healthy practices.

What You Can Do About It:

We spend years of our lives sleeping, so it’s helpful to understand its importance to our overall health and wellness for the mind and body. Practice ways to get enough sleep every night through maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and even if your work schedule changes frequently, attempt to get at least 7 hours to maintain your health. If you have trouble falling asleep, avoid electronics for an hour prior to bedtime so that the blue light will not distract your brain from calming itself.  Before going to bed, try calming activities such as reading or yoga, or talk with your doctor if you have long-term issues with falling or staying asleep. 

A mattress with ticking technology can promote wellness and help you get a great night’s sleep by regulating temperature while keeping you clean and comfortable throughout the night. The theme for Sleep Awareness Week is #YourDayBeginsWithSleep, and we would love to hear how a great night’s sleep helps you feel energized throughout the day. You can let us know on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook when you tag @CulpHomeFashions.


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